
1. 主動問別人的感受

Why are you so upset?

Why do you feel that _____?


2. 「我個人覺得...

In my opinion, _____

From my point of view, _____

The way I see it, _____


3. 沒惡意

Don't take this the wrong way, but _____

No offense, but _____


4. 委婉表達不同意見

That is a fair point, but _____

I see what you’re saying, but _____

I see what you mean, but _____

I understand where you’re coming from, but _____

I hear you, but _____


5. 有禮貌地說你不同意

I'm afraid I disagree

I'm sorry but I disagree

That's not the way I see it


6. 跟對方和解

We will have to agree to disagree

Let's drop it

Let's move on ( you know what. It’s not worth it. Let's move on)


👏 鼓勵創作者 

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